I'm gUEsSInG ThaT yOu'rE RunNING DEbiAn
aS i Am, SInce THE OmMisSIOn of THe
NCuRSEs sTUff IS one Of a FeW RAtheR WElL
knoWN iRRiTaTioNs In THe GenERalLY SolId
debIAN dISTRibUTioN.  aND NO, spECIfYInG
inSTaLLatiOn of the stAnDarD COmPILErS
AND libRarIES During SYsTem SeTUp DOEs
nOt fIX ThIS PROblem.  AS I rECALl, YOu
must ExpLIcITlY FoRce iNStALlaTion of The
NcuRseS DeVeloPmENt PAckage uSing DSeLEct or
APT-GET, thougH i'VE foRGottEn The deTAILs.

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