I'm seconding that motion. Now: Who gets to implement it?

Quoting Paul Lussier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> In a message dated: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 09:27:35 EST
> Jerry Kubeck said:
> >All Chapter Chairs should post to the gnhlug-announce list any meetings
> >before then and all Feb meetings should do fine on the SLUG calendar
> >shortly thereafter.
> I would like to make a motion that the main GNHLUG website have a
> calendar on 
> it which lists all GNHLUG events, or, has a link to a calendar for each 
> chapter, listing the individual chapter's events.
> I think 1 calendar should suffice for all of GNHLUG, unless any one
> chapter is 
> so busy that they can fill a calendar by themselves.
> The advantages of a centralized calendar are that you have but one place
> to 
> look to see what's going on throughout the month throughout GNHLUG as a
> whole 
> rather then having to hop from one calendar to another.
> I think it's great that the SLUG site has a calendar, but I'd like there
> to 
> be just one for all of GNHLUG.  We could keep the SLUG calendar and use
> it as 
> the central one, all we would have to do is link to it from the main
> site, and have that link appropriately titled as the GNHLUG calendar vs.
> just 
> being the SLUG calendar.
> Just my $.02, I don't care deeply enough about this to argue, I state my
> above 
> opinions in the name of what I believe to be common sense and efficiency
> :)
> -- 
> Seeya,
> Paul
> ----
>       It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
>    but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.
>        If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!
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