Today, Niall Kavanagh gleaned this insight:

> This is perhaps one of the most ridiculous password schemes known to
> mankind:

While that may be true (and I agree completely with your assessment),
those of us who have Windows in our environments are stuck with them.

I have myself had occasion to crack Windows passwords in the past (purely
for legitimate system administration reasons, of course), and I have to
say that the Windows 95/98 security model is a complete waste of time.  
It's trivial to get ALL user passwords on the system in no time, including
login passwords, screensaver passwords, etc. If you have a need for even a
minimal level of security, you should not be running Win 95/98.

You know that everytime I try to go where I really want to be,
It's already where I am, cuz I'm already there...
Derek D. Martin
Unix/Linux Geek

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