On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, Kenneth E. Lussier wrote:
> This only addresses the "workstaion install". Does this mean that if you
> do a server install, or a custom install, then the services will still be
> on?

  Dunno, I don't work for Red Hat.  But that does seem a reasonable conclusion
to draw from the words provided.  Perhaps they figure if one is doing a server
installation, one will want services enabled (otherwise, what's the point?),
and that one is also smart enough to keep the box secure.  Sadly, that is
often a false assumption, and not one I agree with, but I could see where that
reasoning would come from.

  Personally, I think the workstation install is far more important in this
case, as that is the install the "clueless newbies" will use.  At least Red
Hat has moved from putting a loaded gun into the hands of a child to putting a
loaded gun into the hands of a theoretically competent adult.  :-)

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