In a message dated: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 14:09:09 EST
"Ken D'Ambrosio" said:

>Uh, uh -- no beer.  You explained what the *fields* do; I want to know
>what *flags* to put in said fields.

Well, the flags to put in the respective fields are completely dependant upon 
what you are trying to do.  Knowing what fields to put where, comes from the 
man pages.  I will grant that the man pages are not necessarilly crystal clear,
nor do the explanations contained therein necessarilly co-incide with what you 
think you're looking for (IOW, in your mind you're looking for something that 
does X, however, the explanation explains X by referring to concepts
to A, C, E, and F, which you don't realize are the concepts you're looking
for, so you gloss over them).

> Errr... I stand^H^H^H^Hit corrected.
>I'll attempt to weasel out by saying that the manpages on my older RH
>system aren't comprehensive for automount, but the manpages on the
>Mandrake 7.2 system I just installed have full manpages for both mount and
>automount.  Damn.  I guess I'll have to start perusing different
>distributions' manpages now, to see who's got the best.  Or is there a
>common repository in some mythical Avalon for The Latest manpages for

There is a manpages tarball somewhere, I've always just used what comes
with my distribution, which today is Debian.

As for automount, if you really want to get a good understanding of this and
NFS as well, get the O'Reilly book on NFS/NIS.  It's quite dated at this point,
and really is quite Sun specific, however, it will give you a good 
understanding of how it all works.  You can then translate that directly to 
the Linux automounter (with the exception of direct maps, which it doesn't

>Anyway, Paul, what's your favorite beer?  Time to pay the price of
>not trying hard 'nuff... 

I'll take anything thick and dark, stouts, porters, etc. :)

        It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

         If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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