"Kenneth E. Lussier" wrote:

> Derek Martin wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, 15 Feb 2001, Benjamin Scott wrote:
> >
> > > On Wed, 14 Feb 2001, Paul Lussier wrote:
> > > > Derek later realized that this was no longer a sufficient form of
> > > > amusement and graduated to other activities which require squeegees :)
> > >
> > >   ROTFLMAO!  And getting strange looks from my cow-orkers, too.  That was too
> > > funny.
> >
> > Actually I think this is extremely old and tired, and long past amusing...
> I would have to agree with Derek on this. We have been making fun of him
> about this for far too long now, and it isn't all that funny anymore.
> Besides, there are plenty of other reasons to make fun of him that are
> still quite amusing ;-)

The "plenty of other reasons" phrase reminded me of the following quote:

"Why hate people because of their race, their creed, their nationality, their
religion, their gender,
their handicapp, or their sexual orientation when there are so many REAL reasons to
                                     --Emo Philips, 1991

I know, this isn't Linux related, but since this thread is so far gone I figured, why


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