Rich C wrote:

> I wholeheartedly agree. I joined this list a few weeks ago thinking I would
> receive information on the group, and be able to request/offer help on
> linux-related issues. I find that it is just a second-rate version of
> comp.os.linux.advocacy.
> I'm outta here.

Rich -

Speaking for myself, and perhaps for others, I'm sorry to see our little
community lose you.

The list DOES exist for people to request/offer help on Linux-related issues.
I believe it has done that, and that it continues to do that.  Technical data
from the group has saved my bacon more than once.  I expect it to do so in
the future.

Of course, there seems always to be an unavoidable aspect to an unmoderated
list:  wide variation in the S/N ratio.  Bright people who believe in things
sometimes carry on a bit, whether on, or in a regional or local
list like this one.  (If you find a pure list to subscribe to please send it
- if not via this list, at least to me personally.   :)

Ya, I'm annoyed too from time to time.  Worse, from time to time _I_ probably
contribute to raising the noise floor.  (Perhaps your few weeks of membership
just happened to be at an unfortunate time?)  But it is contributors to this
list who actually meet with one another, get together for a beer, conduct new
users' nights, run a Linux booth at computer shows, and help one another out
at the keyboard.  Whether such considerations make the list special enough to
put up with the occasional flamewar is a personal decision.

I've come to believe that to consider myself a grownup it's necessary for me
to use sort-by-subject and mass DELETE from time to time.  It's an annoyance,
and admittely a price to pay.  Too big a price?

Those with sense and perception enough to be annoyed by flamewars are,
ironically, those whom the community needs the most.  (Even if they ARE
sometimes the most enthusiastic flamers!  :)

Good luck.  Please remember to let us know about any noisefree list you find.

"We have to make a management decision"
Jerry Mason, Morton Thiokol, Inc.
27 January 1986

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