> Is there a daemon I can run besides ftp which has clients which run on
> Windows and Macs to allow password protected access for uploading?
> This isn't for anonymous uploads.
> I hate ftp. The design of the protocol itself is OLD, from the early
> 70s -- that's over 25 years! (see http://www.wu-ftpd.org/rfc/)

The fact that the protocol's design is old doesn't make it less

Ethernet/IP/UDP/TCP/etc. are all old.  Should we replace them because
they are old?

> The protocol is also clunky, designed for manual use when today most
> people use GUI clients.

The design of the FTP protocol doesn't preclude GUI implementations.
In fact, there are lots of these.

Every time you download something with a ftp://... URL from your GUI
browser, you're using the FTP protocol.  You do know this, right?

> wu-ftpd is hard to administer

In your opinion.

> (why should an ftp user need a valid
> shell in /etc/passwd in order to log in via ftp?) 

(I think you might mean /etc/shells instead?)

Actually, for a system that I used to maintain, this fact helped me
secure the system from an actual attacker.

> and has a history of
> huge security holes.

You mean that particular implementations of FTP server have security

In fact, some implementations are quite secure, and are always

>  Proftpd came along ostensibly to solve the
> security holes but didn't. Since the daemon runs as root, security
> holes result in a complete compromise of the server.
> Isn't it time that FTP went the way of the gopher? <grin>


Kevin D. Clark (CetaceanNetworks.com!kclark)  |
Cetacean Networks, Inc.                       |   Give me a decent UNIX
Portsmouth, N.H. (USA)                        |  and I can move the world
alumni.unh.edu!kdc (PGP Key Available)        |

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