Please pardon the brief off-topic spam.. it seemed that some
here might be interested in this.


If you are a speaker, writer, or author with experience with
any of the Apache software packages (see <URL:>),
or a publisher, editor, or meeting/conference organiser looking for
any of the above, you may be interested in the mailing list described


The list is intended to help people with something to say about
Apache, and those who want such people, to get together.

You must be subscribed in order to send messages to the list,
so if you have opportunities you want to announce, you must
join the list first.  All (except spammers) are welcome!

We now return you to your regularly-scheduled Linux discussions,
already in progress.. :-)
#ken    P-)}

Ken Coar                    <http://Golux.Com/coar/>
Apache Software Foundation  <>
"Apache Server for Dummies" <http://Apache-Server.Com/>
"Apache Server Unleashed"   <http://ApacheUnleashed.Com/>

ApacheCon 2001!
Four tracks with over 70+ sessions. Free admission to exhibits
and special events - keynote presentations by John 'maddog' Hall
and David Brin. Special thanks to our Platinum Sponsors IBM and
Covalent, Gold Sponsor Thawte, and Silver Sponsor Compaq.  Attend
only Apache event designed and fully supported by the members of
the ASF. See more information and register at <http://ApacheCon.Com/>!

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the following text in the
*body* (*not* the subject line) of the letter:
unsubscribe gnhlug

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