On  2 Apr, Kenny Donahue wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to get Linux installed on my new machine
> but I'm having problems getting X to come up.
> I have an Abit KT7ARAID mb and an Abit
> Gforce 2 MX graphics card.   For some reason
> I can't get get X to install properly.  Everything
> else seems ok.
> Any ideas?  Please don't be shy about giving me
> monkey instructions.  I like them <grin>
> Thanks in advance,
> Kenny

Which distribution are you installing, and what version of X are you
trying to install?  The GeForce 2MX is a fairly new chip, and is only
supported by very recent versions of XFree86; you should probably be
installing XFree86 4.0.1 or later (4.0 was hard to install because it
was buggy); you then will have a choice between the "nv" driver, which
is genuine open source software, or the "nvidia" driver, which is
binary-only closed source, which you can download from nvidia.

Stephen Ryan                                        Debian GNU/Linux
Technology Coordinator
Center for Educational Outcomes, 
C. Everett Koop Institute at Dartmouth College

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