As some of you know, I'm a rabid mouse hater.  (That is,
I am rabid;  I hate all mice, not just any rabid ones.)

Computer mice, that is.

What I LIKE are trackballs.

(You would think, I suppose, that I therefore use emacs.
But that would be wrong...)

Well, there's a long story about Kensington trackballs
(the one which uses a pool ball is simply great ballistically),
quality control, Microsoft centricity, and proprietary
drivers, but that's for over a beer if anyone's interested.

About six months ago I was introduced to the "mouse-trak"
line.  The company which makes them is ITAC Systems, Inc.,
and they've been around for quite a while.  They've made
trackballs for Sun, and for DEC, and also for PCs.
(Thank you, Tim.  Greg, say thank you to Tim AGAIN for me.)

I've been using two different models of ITAC's trackballs
ever since.  Perhaps the most important thing is that their
programmability is internal - no special drivers.  THEY

Well, all this leads up to:  the factory rep is going to
be in New Hampshire next week.  I jokingly invited her to
get together with me - and she accepted!

Is anyone else interested in trackballs, and/or a beer
at some convenient watering hole, on a non-MELBA Wednesday?

Replying to me directly is probably best.
"We have to make a management decision"
Jerry Mason, Morton Thiokol, Inc.
27 January 1986

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