On Mon, Apr 30, 2001 at 08:55:52AM -0400, Andrew G. Bacchi wrote:
> Sorry about that.  I think you can blame Netscape for Linux equally as
> much.  I doesn't handle things as well as for the Windows port.  Next
> time I'll "cut and paste", instead of "send page".

It would be much better if you simply include the link, with a very
brief description of the content...  Those who are interested can view
the story, and those that aren't don't have to download it from their
e-mail server.  As is sometimes pointed out on this list, there are
still some people that pay for their bandwidth, and some still have
very slow connections.  Downloading a 30k story in which they have no
interest, for these people is a waste of their time and money.


Derek Martin          |   Unix/Linux geek
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    |   GnuPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D
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