"Kenneth E. Lussier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> reports:
>>>  It seems that CERT is going to start charging for "timely" security alerts

Interesting, since much of the info that they get and a lot of
the analysis work that is performed on their behalf comes from
several large, well-known, publically-traded computer vendors
who have been around for a few years. When it comes to security,
it's in everyone's interest to share the information, and the
quiet cooperation between competing vendors has been crucial to
CERT's success. Not to mention the donations of equipment and cash.

I don't know offhand how much funding the government kicks in,
but I'm sure it's somewhat significant, and the ROI is obvious.

It would be a shame to see this valuable resource to the computing
industry destroyed by some beancounters who need to take a laxative.

This is strictly my own opinion, and any coincidence with my
employer's opinion is just that - coincidence.


Bayard R. Coolidge      N1HO    DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed are
Compaq Computer Corp.           solely those of the author, and not
Nashua, New Hampshire, USA      those of Compaq Computer Corporation
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (DEC '77-'98)              or any other entity.
"Brake for Moose - It could save your life" - N.H. Fish & Game Dept.
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