Hello folks,

I was given this email by a co-worker (Mark Fearer) in hopes of answering my 
Linux question.  He said I was guaranteed to get a response.  Whether any of 
those responses lead to a solution is not guaranteed. :-)

Problem:  I cannot run any of the RPM installer GUIs on RedHat 7.1

I was hoping to run a GUI (e.g. kpackage, GNORPM), but they both crash and burn 
when I start them up.  I am new to the RPM tools and did not want to wade 
through man pages figuring out the nuances of rpm.  Also, the GUIs should allow 
simple browsing and selection of packages to install.

My underlying goal is the following:  Install RedHat 7.1 Server and then add 
packages from all RedHat distro CDs as desired.  I would like to pick and choose 
what I install from each of the many CDs.

Background:  I worked on Apollo Domain/OS (anyone remember JLRU?) and then HP-UX 
for 7+ years.  I have spent the last 4 years programming mostly on Windoze with 
a sprinkling of Solaris.  I have started building a Linux server for my home 
network so I can run reliable and secure FTP, HTTPD, etc.  Unfortunately, my 
years of Un*x experience is not fully compatible.  For example, it took me some 
time to figure out that RedHat 7.1 uses xinetd, as opposed to the more familiar 

At any rate, I am eager to learn the subtleties of Linux, but my patience will 
wear thin quite quickly if everything crashes on me (e.g. kpackage).  I already 
own an operating system where applications crash regularly - why learn another 
one? :-)

        Thanks in advance,
        Ted Grzesik

Ted Grzesik                                       i2 Technologies, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          Merrimack, NH  603-791-2312
http://www.i2.com                                     Fax: 603-791-2595
"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even
  though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits
  who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray
  twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."     -- Theodore Roosevelt

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