>> Well, then, mister smartypants, what's this:
>>    http://www.sans.org/newlook/digests/newsbites.htm
>That looks like a digest that runs about a week behind.

Oh, well - it was still worth it if only as an excuse to
say "smartypants" for the first time since I was twelve...

I do still think we ought to not routinely forward
traffic from other channels onto the GNHLUG list.
My email to Derek was originally private but said:

 >I definitely appreciate such postings on an
 >occasional basis as examples of outside resources
 >that might be of interest to GNHLUG folks
 >(and I've generated my share of such postings)
 >but not as a regular thing.  I think the best
 >approach is to be sure that each such posting
 >contains subscription/access info so that those
 >of us who wish to receive the material on a
 >continuing basis can arrange it for themselves.

If SANS doesn't choose to make that newsletter
available to people who haven't paid some exorbitant
conference fee, that's their prerogative, like it
or not.  It'd be bad enough to clutter the GNHLUG
list with material available on other channels, but
worse to be violating some kind of access agreements
while doing so.

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