This is just a last minute reminder for the SLUG meeting tonight.
Just in case you forgot, here's the summary of what will be discussed.

>  Who Put That Penguin In My Brand Name Consumer Electronics Device?
>               Presented by Tucker Hurton 12/10/2001.
>  Linux has finally found its way into the homes of our friends and
>families....sneakily, perhaps, but it's happening. 
>  Not too long ago, a device was released to the public which
>began changing the way people watch TV. TiVo, Inc released
>the "TiVo". A digital VCR which allows for the automated 
>recording of television shows. It offered the average consumer
>an easy to use interface for recording and watching their
>favorite tv programs. But for the above average consumer, it
>offered much, much more.
>  The TiVo is based on our favorite operating system, Linux. 
>The TiVo people have made their kernel changes (PowerPC) 
>publicly available as well as a set of development tools 
>for those daring enough to explore and enhance. 
>  This openness has paved the way for a variety of utilities and
>enhancements to be developed by the TiVo/Linux community. It
>is my intention to demonstrate some of these features to anyone
>that is interested in hearing me ramble on. It is rumored that
>I will also be demonstrating how to add additional disk capacity
>and will also be exhibiting a TiVo with a hacked-in ethernet
>card running a web server.
>  I hope to see everyone there, but if you don't show up 
>it just means more beer for me (PLEASE NOTE: even if you
>do show up, you can't have my beer).
>  -Tucker
>  Tucker Hurton works for the University of New Hampshire where
>his primary responsibility (as he sees it) is to ridicule and
>humiliate his co-workers. He is not married to a supermodel, 
>nor can he be found gracing the cover of financial magazines. 
>In the movie "Armageddon (1997)",if you look very closely at 
>the scene in which the crowd was welcoming back the surviving
>shuttle to Earth, you will not see Tucker at all; but thanks
>for looking.

 Robert E. Anderson                     email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Systems Programmer                     phone: (603) 862-3489
 UNH Research Computing Center            fax: (603) 862-1761

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