Hey, here's another approach:

if [ "$LOG" = '' ] ; then
  LOG=gralog.`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S` ; export LOG

  cat >/tmp/temp.sh.$$ <<EOF

exec "$0" "${@}"

  chmod +x /tmp/temp.sh

  SHELL=/tmp/sh.$$  ; export SHELL

  exec script /tmp/$LOG

# do a bunch of stuff

if [ "$LOG" != '' ] ; then
  rm -f $0

I included the temporary shell script because I think that "script"
will rightly freak out if I included the arguments in the SHELL

Hope this helps,

Kevin D. Clark (CetaceanNetworks.com!kclark)  |
Cetacean Networks, Inc.                       |   Give me a decent UNIX
Portsmouth, N.H. (USA)                        |  and I can move the world
alumni.unh.edu!kdc (PGP Key Available)        |

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