Toward the end of the day at work I deleted the RedHat
distribution on my workstation and set it up with Debian
instead.  The installation process went smoothly but when
I decided to leave for the day it was at the point where
it was time to configure X.  In fact, that was part of
the reason I chose to leave, since in the past I have
found configuring X to be a giant PITA.  I haven't done
an X installation in quite a while so I wonder, what's
the state-of-the-art?  Calculating all that refresh-rate
and dot-clock crap just seems so totally irritating that
I can't believe that somebody hasn't created some tool to
ease the pain a bit, but a (very superficial) search of
my newly Debianized machine (primarily using "apt-cache
search") turned up only the usual suspects (like XF86config
and xf86config) that I was hoping to avoid.  Any tips?

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