>From the article:
"The nine states have offered several new examples of alleged predatory behavior by

Alleged predatory behavior?  We should hold a contest to see who can come up with
the most quotes from Gates, Ballmer, etc. about predatory Microsoft business


--- Bayard Coolidge USG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, only reason I'm really pointing this out is that it hit the
> headlines on Yahoo! News - in the general section, not just Tech News!
> http://dailynews.yahoo.com/headlines/
> As always, this is strictly my view on it, and does not in any way,
> shape or form necessarily reflect the views of my employer...
> Bayard
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Bayard R. Coolidge    N1HO    DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed are
> Compaq Computer Corp.         solely those of the author, and not
> Nashua, New Hampshire, USA    those of Compaq Computer Corporation
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (DEC '77-'98)              or any other entity.
> "Brake for Moose - It could save your life" - N.H. Fish & Game Dept.
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