> I assumed I'd install RH 7.2 and LILO first, that way I can keep below
> the cylinder limit.
> I assume that XP will not play nice and will try to remove the boot
> record but I was installing it second, probably on FAT32 to allow
> sharing of files.

If you want LILO or GRUB to be the program that boots both Linux and windows, it's 
better to install windows first and then Linux.  Then, you can easily set up LILO or 
grub to boot the windows.  windows does wipe out the boot record and put its own 
stuff.  If you want LILO to be the controller after installing windows second, it's a 
pain because you can't easily boot Linux to run "lilo" and let it become the 

I installed past the 1024 cylinder limit before, and discovered the "-L" option to 
lilo.  So, instead of typing "lilo", just type "lilo -L" and that will solve the 1024 
cylinder problem in most cases.

Also, while partitioning, simply leave a 20MB block of unused space at the beginning 
of the drive.  Then, when you install linux, you can format that as the /boot 
mountpoint.  You won't need to worry about the 1024 cylinder limit then because it's 
at the beginning of the drive.

Opinion: Definitely don't let Redhat "autoconfigure" your disk partitioning.  I did 
and it gave me only a 64MB swap.  I have 512 MB of RAM and it's used as a server, so I 
wanted at least 512 MB swap, but it just gave me 64 MB which is really dumb IMHO.



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