Charlie said he's getting 'these errors'...

Ummm, can you post the commands you're issuing, and tell us what
directory you're issuing the command relative to the files/directories
you're trying to tar up?

What I used to do a lot here at work was to collect various files
off the net, including/especially linux kernels, and plop them into
one directory. Then, at the end of the day, I'd cd to that directory
and issue:

tar cvf ../takehome18apr.tar .
and it would take my files and put them together into a tar ball that
was in the next higher directory. Why? because that way, tar wouldn't
get confused about trying to tar its output file into its output file.

For the usual gamut of files, such as the .tar.bz2's or .tar.gz's or
even RPMs that I'd collect, I didn't try to compress the .tar file.
(Ken Ambrose's e-mail just came in, and we're in vehement agreement!)



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