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At some point hitherto, [EMAIL PROTECTED] hath spake thusly:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Hi all,
> I'm thinking about getting W. Richard Stevens book "Unix Network 
> Programming".  Not for any particular reason other than I know he's a 
> great author, and from I've heard, all his books are fantastic.


> What I was wondering though, is this book more a reference book, or a 
> tutorial book?

It's a lot of both.  There's quite a bit of reference material, but
there's also a lot of sample code.  

> I've got his "Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment" book,
> but found that to be more of a reference than anything else.

Well, to me a reference is sorta like the description + synopsis
sections of the man pages.  They tell you what it does and what the
syntax is, but don't really talk about how to use it.  APITUE does
also have a lot of this, but it gives a fair amount of example code
and often quite lengthy discussions about some topics.  

Unix Network Programming does also give a lot of reference-type
material, but it gives more example code than APITUE.  There are whole
programs, including complete implementations of some common network
programs, and (IIRC) an implementation of lpd.

However, the original Unix Network Programming is really old and
outdated.  There's a newer, two-volume set which supersedes it.  You
want volume two of that set.  :)  IIRC, volume one is basically how to
implement the protocols.  Also probably a good read, but I haven't
really looked at it.

> What are his other books like?  Any recommendations on good books to 
> get? (I haven't bought any good books lately, and am itching to go to 
> SoftPro since I now work less than 5 minutes away :)

If all you want to do is learn socket programming, you might want to
look at _Linux Socket Programming by Example_.  It has pretty
up-to-date information and gives lots and lots of example code.  I
found it a pretty good read (for a programming guide) and not too
tough to follow.  However, IMO Stevens does a much more in-depth job
of explaining how things work, and I think the author of this book in
places shows where he has gaps in his knowledge.

- -- 
Derek Martin               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
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