Bear with me, it.s 5AM on a Saturday.  I bought a new laptop a week ago
and Ryan has a new desktop so we have been redoing our systems.  (And I
DO have a dell laptop- with a GeForce4 at 1600x1200.  NVidia driver info
rocked and it worked great when the directions were followed correctly)

We created a Samba server for personal files and mp3s.  Last week our
6.4 gigs of Mp3s worked.  Then I blew the partition away and installed
Mandrake 8.2 on all machines.  I kept the Mp3s "safe" on the XP
partition of my laptop (factory install).  We put Mandrake 8.2 on
server, laptop and Ryan's machine.  I set Samba back up and moved mp3s
over, and set up their share.

Oh My Word.

I sent out a long post to the list but thankfully I had done the
obligatory "forget to fill out the from line correctly after an
install".  So I spared myself looking like an idiot, at least for now.  
Hmmm unless it mysteriously appears now just to make me look bad.

What a nightmare.  I could mount the share, but every time I accessed it
with ls or through a GUI app, I got a nasty seg fault.  After it seg
faulted, I could not umount it because it would say "device busy."  On
shutdown it would hang and I'd end up having to kill power, bend over
and take the fsck. ICK.

I was confused and posted my fstab and smb.conf.  I noticed that I could
not ls all my mp3s, but that if I only copied a few and shared, they
worked.  So, basic connection and authentication concerns evaporated. 
What the hell?

So, I gradually added more mp3s.  Every time I took the binary search
tree approach it seg faulted and I spent 20 minutes rebooting.  I had to
go small chunks at a time.  Then I got it down to a chunk of 3 songs
that killed it.

Did I mention I like German music?

One of the 3 songs had an umlaut. I removed it.  The block of 3 worked. 
Hmmmmmm.  Interesting.  I happened to be at the start of all my EAV
songs (one German band I like).  I added more songs.  Seg fault.  Remove
umlauts.  They worked.  You have to be kidding.  So...  I went looking
for umlauts and removed them.  Well, ya know, those buggers are hard to
see!  Ryan said  "can't you just do a grep?"  Yeah Ryan, I'm sure some
how with ascii codes or something maybe you can.  But at this point it's
Friday night and a little White Grenache is involved and until you can
find a damn umlaut key on this laptop, I'm not grepping squat.

So, now it's 5:31 on a Saturday morning and I am FINALLY umlaut free and
playing music.  

MP3s played locally the whole time.  I never noticed or had trouble with
umlauts before with the same directory.  Is this some trick XP played on
me?  I've seen ridiculous crap before, but this really takes the cake.

I'm going to go collapse now.

P.S. Mandrake 8.2 is wonderful- sound is MUCH better than 8.1 (even the
with songs that had umlauts, heh)  and other issues are sorted out.


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