
I have need to generate a globally unique ID between nodes.  That is, a way to 
uniquely identify one node versus another. The trick is that each node may be using 
more than one network interface, and additionally may be using both TCP/IP and DECNET. 
 So simply using the IP address isn't sufficient (actually that's never sufficient but 
that's besides the point).

The GUID only needs to uniquely identify one node versus another, but it should be 
guaranteed to be unique between all nodes. These nodes could be hiding in a local lan 
(so possibly more than one has 192.168* IPs), and could possibly have the same 
hostname (since people can set the hostname to whatever they want). The nodes are 
spread out across different LANs as well, where the operator of one LAN won't even 
know about the other one.

Does anyone know of any open source APIs out there including the ability to create a 
GUID? Alternately, does anyone know how to roll your own GUID?

I can always roll my own, but somehow I get the eery feeling whatever I come up with 
my have a logic hole and really not be totally unique.  

Thanks for any help and pointers.



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