A few comments.

1.  A GUID is not intrinsically related to a MAC address.  A lot of
    press has been devoted to GUIDs and MAC addresses, however, because
    of Microsoft's implementation of GUIDs which _do_ incorporate
    MAC addresses.  Although a MAC address is not itself unique (as
    others have observed;  there _can_ be NIC collisions), Microsoft
    presumably wanted its GUIDs to be traceable back to individual
    computers, and perhaps to individual users - so the MAC address
    became part of Microsoft's GUIDs.  (And GUIDs got a bad reputation
    in privacy circles - incorrectly, of course;  it's Microsoft's
    _use_ of GUIDs which is the root of this problem.)

    See (for instance)  http://www.junkbusters.com/ht/en/microsoft.html
    - the sections beginning at "Microsoft and the GUID".
2.  In a former life I worked on an archiving product, in which there
    was a need to provide a GUID for every record entered into the
    archive.  We needed _lots_ of GUIDs.  They didn't depend on MACs,
    but were of course created by code.  (Which I don't have access to.
    It may have been proprietary, anyway.)

3.  There does exist code in the Free Software community to create
    GUIDs.  See, for instance, man uuidgen - at least on my Debian
    system.  (Deeper down is the uuid library, which in turn seems
    be part of the e2fsprogs package.)

Hope this is helpful -


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