This is true. I have my old dog eared C standard, but I don't care to 
reread the standard. 
        volatile int x;
                x = 123; 
        this will cause x to be flushed from the register into memory (depending 
where x is defined.

                this will increment x in the register then store it in memory. 

In the case where x is a global variable, if it is not declared volatile, 
the compiler if free to keep its value in a register as long as it wishes. 

        extern int x;
                        for(x = 0;x < MAX;x++) {
                                do something;

In the above code, the compiler might maintain x in a register for the 
entire loop unless something in the loop forces it to be stored, but If the 
volatile keyword is used, x will be stored in its memory location when 
initialized to 0 and after it is incremented. 

But, volatile is not going to prevent the compiler from optimizing the loop 
by possibly living out a loop invariant or by unrolling it, etc.
On 2 May 2002 at 16:04, Michael O'Donnell wrote:
> IIRC, the C spec says that a specified change
> to a given datum is supposed to be "complete"
> a "sequence point" is reached which usually
> corresponds in C to the semicolon which
> terminates the corresponding statement.  For a
> given variable declared volatile, the compiler
> is free to keep the results of intermediate
> computations involving that datum anywhere it
> likes, but must update the variable's "official"
> location when it reaches the next sequence point.
> This is where the constraints on the optimizer
> come from; you've told it that it's still allowed
> to optimize the code for any given statement or
> group of statements, but all manipulations of
> volatile data must play strictly by the rules
> at the corresponding sequence points.
> This rules out register-resident variable in
> most cases.

Jerry Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Associate Director
Boston Linux and Unix user group PGP key id:C5061EA9
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