We can not use Martha's Exchange for a Melba Meeting this month due 
to the fact that they have actual revenue generating customers using 
the rooms Wednesday *and* Thursday this week *and* next week.
(something about graduations, and teenagers, blah, blah, blah).

So, if anyone wants to get together for dinner and/or drinks on 
Wednesday night, we can do that.  If someone has an alternative 
meeting place we can try on short notice that meets all our 

        - free
        - close to source of decent beer (preferably microbrew)
        - cheap food
        - electricity
        - decent sized room to hold meeting in

let's hear about it.  Otherwise, we can just get together and heckle 
Ben :)

If someone *does* come up with a place to meet Wednesday night, let 
me know if you can also provide a speaker :)

Actually, I was thinking about demo'ing GnuCash if anyone's 
interested in that.




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