>>>  Assuming you run i386 Linux.  I suspect Bayard, for example,
>>> would disagree with you.  :-)

Well, I'm not a surly curmudgeon, even though I'm retiring Friday,
but the fact is that I've long been an advocate of "general-think" -
10 years ago (literally - all during 1992), I was involved in the
roll-out of the Alpha architecture. The primary audience for Alpha
was originally VMS (because they needed/wanted to scale onto much
"bigger" hardware), but once the decision was taken to port DEC OSF/1
to Alpha, and we worked out a deal with Microsoft to port Windows NT
to Alpha, it became an interesting task to get people to stop saying
"VMS" when they meant "the operating system", and to realize that
some OS' did things slightly differently from others in some respects,
but in others, there were aspects of the Alpha program that were
operating system-independent.

Since then, and more recently with Linux, I've tried to champion the
concept/mindset that not everything is i386 (or IA32), that there are
other architectures that it's been/being ported to, and some of them
are 32 bit and some are 64 bit (and, admittedly, there is more than
one 64 bit architecture to which it's been ported that is still

Hopefully, this should make folks craft their source code so that
ints are ints and pointers are pointers and neither one is necessarily
32 bits and shouldn't be assumed to be. (Yes, there are some other
details, but you get the idea).

Sadly, the fellow who wrote the ia32 emulator for Alpha has left the
company (and the group that 'owned' it, which was mostly sold to Intel),
so I can't vouch for how viable that emulator is these days.

But, it's illustrative of the point that we need to try to remain
sensitive to the needs of all architectures whenever possible.

And, that's without getting into specific details about the differences
in various implementations of each architecture. (e.g. AMD vs. Piv,
EV4 vs. EV45 vs. EV5 vs. EV56 vs. EV6, etc.).

Just my 20 millidollars' worth, and this, like everything else I spew
from this address, is solely my personal opinion and not that of my
current employer.


Bayard R. Coolidge      N1HO    DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed are
Hewlett-Packard Company         solely those of the author, and not
Nashua, New Hampshire, USA      those of the Hewlett-Packard Company,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (DEC '77-'98,CPQ '98-'02)   or any other entity.
"Brake for Moose - It could save your life" - N.H. Fish & Game Dept.
Version: 3.12
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