Hi David,

The make_on_windows.bat and clean_on_windows.bat did not work correctly on
Windows with GNAT-GPL-2014 installed only. In other word, neither MinGW nor
Cygwin is available. I would suggest to create additional bat files for
this purpose. Below are the contents have been tested. You can choose the
appropriate file names if you like.

-- file: build.dat
if not exist bin mkdir bin
if not exist obj mkdir obj
if not exist lib mkdir lib
cd src
copy gnoga-application.windows gnoga-application.adb
gnatmake -P gnoga.gpr
cd ..
cd demo
cd snake
gnatmake -P snake.gpr
cd ..\..\

-- file: clean.bat
cd obj
del /Q *.*
cd ..
cd lib
del /Q *.*
cd ..
cd bin
del /Q *.*
cd ..
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