I am glad that it worked for you. Regarding future of atos tool, it can be
made to work for future OS X if current atos source code exists.

On Sat, Aug 8, 2015 at 12:53 AM, Joakim Dahlgren Strandberg <joaki...@kth.se
> wrote:

> > On 2015-08-07 00:09, Joakim Dahlgren Strandberg wrote:
> > >
> > > While we are on the subject on exceptions. There is no way to get stack
> > > trace information if one uses GNAT GPL 2015, right? I mean, there is no
> > > addr2line.
> >
> > I have addr2line. You do not mention platform though.
> Thanks all for responding. The platform I am working on is Mac OS X. I've
> been looking into this and addr2line does not exist on the Mac. Instead one
> should use an application called atos. Thus I've finally been able to get a
> nice stack trace when an application threw an exception. Something that
> worries me though is that when using atos there is a message saying that
> atos is obsolete and will not be included in a future version of Mac OS X.
> Googling about it has not turned up any alternatives. Anyways, getting
> stack traces works for me now, and I regard atos potentially disappearing a
> problem of the future.
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