Today almost every browser has issues with popups, if you need a pop up
today, much better to just create a View and position over the page, can
use the dialogs from JQueryUI to make easy (Gnoga.Gui.Plugin.JQueryUI).

David Botton

On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 8:47 AM Wayne Bullaughey <> wrote:

> There is the following comment with the procedure Gnoga.Gui.Window.Launch
>  --  Popups are highly unreliable and oustide of Google Chrome only work in
>    --  limited ways beyond just a launch and forget situation.
> Is this a bug in Gnoga or an inherent browser problem? I'm trying to use
> it and find that the first time my application calls it frequently none of
> my elements get put into the DOM. The second time it works find. Is there
> another way to create independent windows?
> Thanks, Wayne
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Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
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