
I've rewritten PIXI Graphics closer to PIXI API rather than Context 2D API.
I've also added some PIXI Containers methods.

I've pushed this on Gnoga dev_1.3 branch.

Feel free to send code review:

One of my main concern is to define right Ada types while there are implicit in 

Beyond that, I wonder about some new API:
. Move_To: moves sprite to a specified location with a specified speed
. On_Collision: send a Gnoga event when a collision of 2 sprites or near a 
. Acceleration: add acceleration property (positive or negative)

Any other ideas are welcome.
Feel free to point out some API you want to be available.

Take a look to "leaves" demo which brings a very promising beginning of what 
could be done with PIXI.

Waiting for your feedbacks on PIXI support, I'll try to bring more support on 
mnmenu plugin.

Regards, Pascal.

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