> Le 7 juin 2017 à 13:44, Gautier de Montmollin <gdem...@hotmail.com> a écrit :
> Thanks a lot!
> You probably guessed well, these kind of robots are not so polite and will 
> ignore robots.txt.
> The good ones will visit once a day and respect robots.txt...
> So I'll have a look at Gnoga.Gui.Navigator.
> Perhaps I can figure out where the request come from and at least limit the 
> number of requests from the same IP address during a certain amount of time 
> T2 (say 1 day) if there were too many in a row within a time frame of length 
> T1 (say 1 minute). It is what search engines do.

Hello Gautier,

I've added some enhanced logs with user agent, platform and IP of client 

HTH, Pascal.

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