Hi Pascal,

Actually on second thoughts it's probably sufficient that I share the code for 
tutorial_03 I am using (a modified version of tutorial_03):

--  In the previous tutorials we created Singletons applications where there
--  is no issue of concurrency outside of events from the same user. This
--  allowed for programming in the familiar sequential patterns of regular
--  console applications. In this tutorial we will create an application that
--  will allow for multiple connections on the same machine, network or across
--  the globe on the internet.
--  In order to help see the different approach to setting up the application
--  we will do something similar to the previous tutorial.

with Ada.Exceptions;

with Gnoga.Application.Multi_Connect;
with Gnoga.Gui.Base;
with Gnoga.Gui.Window;
with Gnoga.Gui.View;
with Gnoga.Gui.Element.Common;

with Gnoga.Types;
--  Gnoga special types are found in Gnoga.Types.

procedure Tutorial_03 is

   --  Since this application will be used by multiple connections, we need to
   --  track and access that connection's specific data. To do this we create
   --  a derivative of Gnoga.Types.Connection_Data_Type that will be accessible
   --  to any object on a connection.

   type App_Data is new Gnoga.Types.Connection_Data_Type with
         My_Window : Gnoga.Gui.Window.Pointer_To_Window_Class;
         My_View   : Gnoga.Gui.View.View_Type;
         My_Button : Gnoga.Gui.Element.Common.Button_Type;
         My_Exit   : Gnoga.Gui.Element.Common.Button_Type;
      end record;
   type App_Access is access all App_Data;

   procedure On_Click (Object : in out Gnoga.Gui.Base.Base_Type'Class);
   procedure On_Exit (Object : in out Gnoga.Gui.Base.Base_Type'Class);
   --  Events for our application. The implementation is almost identical
   --  to our previous tutorial. However we access the elements through our
   --  App_Data data structure associated with the connection instead of
   --  globally.

   procedure On_Click (Object : in out Gnoga.Gui.Base.Base_Type'Class) is
      App : constant App_Access := App_Access (Object.Connection_Data);
      App.My_View.Put_Line ("I've been clicked!");
   end On_Click;

   procedure On_Exit (Object : in out Gnoga.Gui.Base.Base_Type'Class) is
      App : constant App_Access := App_Access (Object.Connection_Data);
      View : Gnoga.Gui.View.View_Type;
      View.Create (App.My_Window.all);
      View.Put_Line ("Application exited.");
   when E : others =>
         Gnoga.Log (Message => "On_Exit: " &
                      Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Information (E));
   end On_Exit;

   procedure On_Connect
     (Main_Window : in out Gnoga.Gui.Window.Window_Type'Class;
      Connection  : access
   --  Instead of creating and setting up our GUI in the main body of the
   --  application, we now set up the GUI in a connection event handler.
   --  The implementation is almost identical to the last tutorial except we
   --  place our GUI element variables within the App_Data data structure
   --  that will be associated with the connection.

   procedure On_Connect
     (Main_Window : in out Gnoga.Gui.Window.Window_Type'Class;
      Connection  : access
      pragma Unreferenced (Connection);
      App : constant App_Access := new App_Data;
      App.My_Window := Main_Window'Unchecked_Access;
      Main_Window.Connection_Data (App);
      --  This associates our application data to this connection. Now any
      --  object created on it has access to it using its Connection_Data
      --  property. When the connection is done it will deallocate the memory
      --  used.

      App.My_View.Create (Main_Window);

      App.My_Button.Create (App.My_View, "Click Me!");
      App.My_Button.On_Click_Handler (On_Click'Unrestricted_Access);

      App.My_Exit.Create (App.My_View, "Exit App");
      App.My_Exit.On_Click_Handler (On_Exit'Unrestricted_Access);

   end On_Connect;

   Gnoga.Application.Title ("Tutorial 03");

   Gnoga.Application.HTML_On_Close ("Application ended.");


     (Event => On_Connect'Unrestricted_Access,
      Path  => "default");
   --  With a Multi_Connect application it is possible to have different
   --  URL paths start different Connection Event Handlers. This allows
   --  for the creation of Web Apps that appear as larger web sites or as
   --  multiple applications to the user. Setting Path to "default" means
   --  that any unmatched URL path will start that event handler. A URL path
   --  is the path following the host and port. For example:
   --  http://localhost:8080/test/me
   --  The Path would be "/test/me". In Gnoga the path can even appear to be
   --  a file name "/test/me.html". However if you have a file of the same
   --  name in the html directory it will be served instead.

end Tutorial_03;

Best regards,

Från: Joakim Dahlgren Strandberg <joaki...@kth.se>
Skickat: den 12 november 2019 00:09
Till: Gnoga support list
Kopia: Pascal
Ämne: Re: [Gnoga-list] Memory leak in Gnoga? False alarm?

Hi Pascal,

Thanks for improving the memory leak situation. Before I did "git pull" to get 
the latest commits the result of valgrind was:
==2851== HEAP SUMMARY:
==2851==     in use at exit: 17,592 bytes in 19 blocks
==2851==   total heap usage: 574 allocs, 555 frees, 177,201 bytes allocated

And after the memory leak fix commits:
==4220== HEAP SUMMARY:
==4220==     in use at exit: 10,520 bytes in 15 blocks
==4220==   total heap usage: 574 allocs, 559 frees, 177,201 bytes allocated

And so the situation has been improved.

I will upload a reproducer on github tomorrow night to be able to reproduce my 
results. Too late to do it now. To be continued...

Best regards,

Från: Pascal via Gnoga-list <gnoga-list@lists.sourceforge.net>
Skickat: den 11 november 2019 19:12
Till: Gnoga support list
Kopia: Pascal
Ämne: Re: [Gnoga-list] Memory leak in Gnoga? False alarm?

Hello Joakim,

> Le 3 nov. 2019 à 23:25, Joakim Dahlgren Strandberg <joaki...@kth.se> a écrit :
> Hi Pascal,
> Thanks for the detailed analysis of the potential memory leak. Seems it was a 
> treasure trove of issues to look at. I suspected there may be something 
> suspicious with some code in Dmitry's Simple Components but the code I looked 
> at appeared correct. Looking forward to hear more about the progress on this. 
> If I find out more I will share it here on the Gnoga mailing list of course.
> Best regards,
> Joakim
> ________________________________________


> Hello Joakim,
> I have got detailed results from valgrind of memory leaks after Gnoga server 
> execution.
> There is 4 kinds of them:
> - allocation in globals that are not freed before exiting (Watchdog and 
> Gnoga_HTTP_Server) -> easy to fix


> - allocation in GNAT RTE (initialization, Unbounded_String, String, 
> String_Access and exceptions) -> to be reported to AdaCore

Done for Unbounded_String.

> - allocation in HTTP server (container) -> to be reported to Dmitry


> - allocation in Multi-Connect application for Connection_Data, user guide 
> said:
>      --  By default Connection_Data is assumed to be a dynamic object
>      --  and freed when the connection is closed.
> but it seems not to be the case -> investigation is needed.

Added a log: "Connection_Data freed", it seems then to be correct.

Changes are commited:

Could you please check with valgring if these leaks are still present or not?

Thanks, Pascal.

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