> Le 1 oct. 2019 à 10:40, Henrik Härkönen <hehar...@iki.fi> a écrit :
> Hey!
> Thanks Joakim for the super-quick reply! :) 
> I'll take a look at the forms demo, thanks!
> I think the full page reload is just fine for now. Maybe if I get the other 
> stuff to work as the way I intended, I might be interested in more fancy 
> operation like ajax for it. 
> -Henrik
> On Tue, Oct 1, 2019 at 11:10 AM Joakim Dahlgren Strandberg <joaki...@kth.se> 
> wrote:
> Hi Henrik,
> I am since yesterday working on the same issue, namely file upload. There is 
> an example on how to do that in forms.adb which can be found in the demo 
> directory. The application forms.adb demonstrates traditional post requests 
> to the server forcing a full reload of the web page. But the example code 
> there is good to get started.
> I have been experimenting with making AJAX request to the server by using the 
> following approach (hopefully the code is inspirational, I would prefer 
> sending a complete code example of forms.adb with the file upload without 
> complete page refresh but it is more than a thousand lines of code and not 
> suitable for e-mail):
> Gnoga.Server.Connection.Execute_Script
>                  (ID     => Main_Window.Connection_ID,
>                   Script =>
>                     "var uploadRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();" &
>                     "uploadRequest.open('post', window.location.href + 
> 'demo');" &
>                     "var file = document.getElementById('" &
>                     Upload_File_Input.ID & "').files[0];" &
>                     "var fd = new FormData();" &
>                     "fd.append(""fn"", file);" &
>                     "uploadRequest.send(fd);");
> However, trigggering file upload using XMLHttpRequest causes the uploaded 
> file to be corrupted or bytes are missing in the resulting uploaded file. 
> Hopefully somebody in the Gnoga mailing list has been more successful. 
> Currently I do recommend uploading a file with complete page refresh as in 
> forms.adb because it works.
> Best regards,
> Joakim
> Från: Henrik Härkönen <hehar...@iki.fi>
> Skickat: den 1 oktober 2019 09:54
> Till: Gnoga support list
> Ämne: [Gnoga-list] File upload
> Hello!
> I'm not very experienced yet with Gnoga (or with Ada for that matter), but I 
> was planning to make this little tool for the choir I'm singing in, which 
> would involve the user to send a PDF files to the app and then it would do 
> "things" with it and return some result file.
> How would one go about adding a file upload functionality with Gnoga? I 
> browsed briefly through the API, but nothing related to it was caught by my 
> eye.
> Best regards,
> Henrik.


I've added in Gnoga the support of Javascript FileReader API, see: 

I've added also a short example, it uploads the chosen file and puts its 
content in a text box, see:

This version is in alpha status, thus it may change.
All combination haven't been fully tested.
Let me know if it is suitable for your needs.
Moreover, feel free to send comments and change proposals.

Regards, Pascal.

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