Getting rid of anonymous access types is always a good idea. Your fix for the 
1st problem seems good to me.

The Chattanooga problem still seems like a compiler error to me. I don't see 
any work-around. Unless it is reported I doubt if it will be corrected. 

Jeff Carter
"Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time."
Monty Python and the Holy Grail​

On Feb 10, 2021, 21:15, at 21:15, Blady via Gnoga-list 
<> wrote:
>Since Gnoga V1.6-beta announcement
>( I haven't
>receive any Windows or Linux test report :-(
>On my side testing with macOS, i'm facing two tough issues:
>1) PROGRAM_ERROR : accessibility check failed, see on list
>I've just push a rough fix that suppress the PROGRAM-ERROR.
>However I'm not really sure it is the correct fix:
>Give me your feedback. 
>2) On_Connect_Submit: raised PROGRAM_ERROR : s-taprob.adb:182 explicit
>2021-02-10 20:46:09.30 : On_Connect_Submit: raised PROGRAM_ERROR :
>s-taprob.adb:182 explicit raise
>Call stack traceback locations:
>system__tasking__protected_objects__lock_read_only (in chattanooga) +
>chattanooga__db__control__existsP (in chattanooga)
>chattanooga__db__exists (in chattanooga) (chattanooga-db.adb:37)
>chattanooga__ui__on_connect_submit (in chattanooga)
>gnoga__gui__base__fire_on_submit (in chattanooga)
>gnoga__gui__base__on_message (in chattanooga) (gnoga-gui-base.adb:2006)
>gnoga__server__connection__dispatch_task_typeTB (in chattanooga)
>system__tasking__stages__task_wrapper (in chattanooga) + 473
>It was working well with GNAT 2019.
>Jeff said:
>"So the task making the callback is running at Default_Priority, the PO
>has a much higher ceiling priority, and you're getting an exception due
>to a check for a ceiling violation. That's very odd indeed. If so, then
>I would think you should report this to AdaCore."
>Unfortunately, I couldn't be able to make a simple reproducer in order
>to report to AdaCore.
>Any ideas are welcome.
>The V1.6 changes are:
>- Gnoga: adaptation to PIXI 5.3.0.
>- Gnoga: adaptation to GNAT Community 2020.
>- Upgrade to PIXI 5.3.0.
>- Upgrade to ACE 1.4.12.
>- Upgrade to Simple Components 4.50.
>- Update Jeff Carter's Pragmarc from Github.
>- Gnoga: adaptation to GNAT Community 2020.
>- JQuery Javascript source upgrade version 3.5.0.
>- Add experimental package UXStrings (see readme).
>- Demo: add a simple localization tool (Localize) to help edition of
>localization files.
>- Form: add additional support for file input with multiple files.
>Change some API.
>- Add support for files upload (implementing Javascript FileReader).
>- Form: add support for file and tel field types. Fix UTF8 character
>conversions in form names.
>Is this version reliable enough?
>Tell on the list if you agree to release 1.6 as it is.
>Thanks, Pascal.
>Gnoga-list mailing list

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