When I try to compile my module

with Gnoga.Gui.Base;
with Gnoga.Gui.View;
with Gnoga.Gui.Element.Form;

package Net.View is

   -- view for 1. player, just to select adversary (human/comp.)
   type View_Adversary is new Gnoga.Gui.View.View_Type with
         control:       Gnoga.Gui.Element.Form.Form_Type;
         chk_comp:      Gnoga.Gui.Element.Form.Check_Box_Type;
         lbl_comp:      Gnoga.Gui.Element.Form.Label_Type;
         chk_human:     Gnoga.Gui.Element.Form.Check_Box_Type;
         lbl_human:     Gnoga.Gui.Element.Form.Label_Type;
      end record;
   type View_Adversary_Access is access all View_Adversary;

   procedure Create
     (view   : in out View_Adversary;
      parent : in out Gnoga.Gui.Base.Base_Type'Class;
      id     : in     String  := "");

   adversary_defined:           Boolean:= FALSE;
   player2_connected:           Boolean:= FALSE;
   adversary_is_computer:       Boolean;

end Net.View;

I get the error message

net-view.ads:19:04: error: subprogram "Create" is not overriding

I cannot see what is wrong, and with Gnoga version 1 it compiles without problem. Here I used version 2.1a.

Frank Hrebabetzky, Kronach      +49 / 9261 / 950 0565

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