On Wed, 2005-08-17 at 09:20 +0100, Darragh wrote:
> Morning,
> I am atempting to install Mozilla 1.7 on a SuSE 9.3 installation however it 
> displays errors during make about incorrect or missing libraries.  Is there a 
> later version of Mozilla which works with Gnopernicus and is the package 
> available as RPM?  I'm hoping that if its available in RPM it will tell me 
> exactly what its missing.
If you really want to build from source, not necessary, you should
install the Gnome development system. I don't know if Suse has an option
for this in YAST, but that is the majority of the packages you will

> I read the list archive about installing 1.7 written by Thomas ward some time 
> ago which was very helpful. It was written for a Fedora Core user and the 
> --prefix was set to /usr. is this not /opt/ in SuSE 9.3? 
Most rpm based distributions I know of Mandrake Fedora, etc use /usr as
the target prefix for packages. I don't assume Suse is much different.
However, if you want to get the Linux tarball of the lates Sun Mozilla
you can unpack it in /opt/mozilla and be on your way in minutes.
I don't suggest compiling from source unless you wish to make a Suse
package. Just grab the Fedora tarball of the April Sun Mozilla, unpack
it in /opt, make a luancher for it, and you will be on the web soon.

> This is the first of a few messages I'm going to send to the list this 
> morning so any help appreciated.
> Darragh
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