On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 7:37 PM, Kenny Hitt <ke...@hittsjunk.net> wrote:
> Hi.
> After the recent discussion on this list, I filed a bug in Debian to try to
> ask them to not use webkit for yelp.
> The Debian maintainer replyed and told me he thought the accessibility issues
> were resolved.  A quick sirch for webkit on bugzilla.gnome.org didn't
> find any bugs.  I'm sure I didn't
> use the right search terms.
> Would someone who knows please provide me with links to bug reports or post
> comments to:
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=3D571121
> The Debian maintainer said the gecko backend wasn't currently in a buildable
> state and gave me the impression webkit is likely to stay the default unless
> I can convince him differently.

It would be interesting to know which bugs exactly are preventing you
from actually using yelp/webkit. There's always going to be bugs in
our a11y code because there's always bugs in any non-trivial body of
code, so that's not a good metric of whether you should be using
something or not. Are all the Orca blocker bugs in webkit issues that
absolutely must be fixed in order for yelp to be useful? Some? Which
ones? Etc.



> Thanks.
>          Kenny
> BTW, Ubuntu users might want to consider filing a similar bug so Ubuntu
> knows about the problems with webkit.
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