Hey folks!

Just wanted to let you all know, the GNOME-A11y Team now has its own
Twitter account.   I set this up so we can tweet live from the CSUN
Conference, but also I want to use this to continually update the world
on the activities happening within our own team.  We'll send out
announcements, tweet meetings as they happen, etc.

Later this week, I'll set up other GNOME-A11y accounts on social
networking services so we can further spread the word.  Already we've
had quite a few people follow our @gnome_a11y twitter account.  This is

Meanwhile, if you're going to the CSUN conference, be sure to RSVP the
CSUN Tweetup event (www.csuntweetup.com).  All you have to do is RSVP in
a tweet with the hashtag #csun10.

Bryen Yunashko

gnome-accessibility-list mailing list

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