That's good Eitan.
Perhaps a bit light on 'hacking' for a hackfest :-) But tist is all
important stuff to cover. Especially at this point in time.

I'd only like to add a quick discussion of how to best approach the
Project:Possibility students working on GNOME Caribou, assuming some
make it to CSUN. We really want to persuade then to stick around. I
understand fro Sandy that Microsoft are also keen to met them.


On 5 March 2010 23:00, Eitan Isaacson <> wrote:
> Hello folks!
> Here is a tentative schedule for our hackday on the 23rd of March. Don't
> forget that this will be the only concentrated hacking day, although I
> hope conversations and work continues throughout the week regardless of
> booth and conference. Please let me know what you think. When it
> solidifies I'll put it on the wiki.
> 8:30 - 9:00 Opening round table
> -------------------------------
> It's a bit early, I know, but we have some people in Europe who are
> staying up late to attend the next agenda item...
> 9:00 - 9:30 Testing discussion
> ------------------------------
> This will be with people in Europe who received funding for a11y
> testing. The first half hour will be general discussion, if there is
> more to discuss, there we be a breakout so others could get on with
> their main focus. Led by Peter Korn.
> 11:00 a11y leadership
> ---------------------
> With different HR shifts among companies, specifically Will's role, we
> will discuss how we continue carrying the baton as a community project.
> This will be a mostly "soft" topic, although a lot of concrete decisions
> could come out of it, specifically around module maintainership. and the
> GNOME release team's role. Led by Will.
> 12:00 - 13:00 lunch
> -------------------
> An hour for self-nourishing.
> 13:00 - 14:00 GNOME 3.0
> -----------------------
> GNOME 3.0, how do we get there? Led by Will.
> 16:00 - 16:30 lightening AT presentations
> ----------------------------------------
> Quick 5 minute demonstrations of our accessibility features. This will
> equip all of us for demonstrating these features ourselves at the booth.
> 16:30 - 16:50 media outreach briefing
> -------------------------------------
> Media outreach. How do we report back on this event to the larger GNOME,
> FOSS and a11y communities? We will make a concerted effort here with our
> tweets and blogging, interviews, photos and video. Led by Bryen
> 16:50 - 17:00 booth briefing
> ----------------------------
> How to get the most out of our booth. Led by Bryen and Eitan.
> 17:00 - onwards
> ---------------
> Depending on how long we have the room, we will stick around and hack
> later
> -----
> Group dinner.
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