On Sat, 2010-04-03 at 17:25 +0200, Flaper87 wrote:
>         -- Posting meeting summaries on our mailing list
>         -- Posting meeting summaries/transcripts/etc. on our wiki or a
>         GNOME-A11y blogsite (which I really do want to get us on
>         soon.)
>         -- Setting up a meetbot that automatically records relevant
>         information
>         about the meetings, such as transcripts, AI's, etc.  I've
>         recently
>         started using meetbot in other meetings with very pleasant
>         success and
>         was thinking of getting one set up for our IRC meetings.
> I like these ideas, We could also tweet during the meeting so people
> can know what's happening. 

I've already been doing this for our meetings.  And now that we have
other people accessing the account, including Steve, Flavio and Eitan,
we should be good to go on staying on top of live updating during

I also try to tweet release announcements whenever I see something
announced in the mailing list, along with a link to actual archived
email announcement.

Followers to our @gnome_a11y twitter account is growing at a very nice
pace, and I'm really glad to see so many people out there interested in
following us, especially those that aren't directly involved in open

Joanie, would you like to also have access to the twitter account so you
can update the world on Orca stuff?  If there are others in the Orca
community that would also like to participate, I'll be more than happy
to give them access as well.


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