On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 10:55 AM, Sanne te Meerman
<sa...@opensourceadvies.nl> wrote:

> Could you provide me with connections, and would you be willing to speak
> during the pre-conference? I'm making a serious effort together with
> www.noiv.nl (the dutch Cenatic) to get the Dutch 'forerunners' from Holland
> to attent. It might even mean business opportunities for you.

Hi Sanne,

I'm Fernando Herrera from Onirica and we are working on the braille
transcriptor. I'm atteding full GUADEC: I have a talk wish Xan López
about GNOME project state and I'll doing one or two training sessions
during de pre-conference.

It would be great to coordinate a talk/panel about this GNOME a11y
projects founded by Consorcio Fernando de los Ríos, probably with an
introduction about the how the Andalusia Goverment in interested in
improving GNOME a11y, their work on the Guadalinfo centers, and then a
quick technical presentation of the projects.

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