Hi Bill,

Thanks for the suggestion. Comments below.

于 2010/6/6 0:52, Bill Cox 写道:
Hi, Luke.  The speed in gconf-editor is a big problem, but not
technically a bug.
We have a bug for gailtreeview's performance: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=577098, and we have done some analysis work there.
However, if you tab over to the Name/Value table,
you can hear the namee, but the value always says "blank", regardless
of the value type.  The values themselves are not accessible.  This is
because the cell renderer is using the get_size callback to set the
values on the cell just prior to rendering.  The gail module reads
data from the treeview model for Orca, and if it's missing, all it can
say is "blank".  I think we need to instead cache the data when the
cell renderers are called.
I haven't read the code of gconf-editor, is it text cell or some custom cell renderer? If it is a custom cell renderer, gconf-editor should implement the accessibility peer. Caching the data is what GAIL does for known cell renderers.
This might have two benefits.  First, many applications, like
gconf-editor, would suddenly become acccessible.  This is perhaps the
most common reason GTK+ apps are not accessible.  Second, we might
avoid the huge delays that occur today when we tab to a huge treeview.
  By only updating the data as it's rendered, we should see no
noticeable slow down.  However, that slow down may be due to some
unrelated code.  We'd have to dive in and see.
Please see the above bug.

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