Hey all.

As discussed at today's a11y team meeting [1], if you are planning on
attending the AEGIS Conference and Hackfest [2] and if you will require
sponsorship from the GNOME Foundation in order to do so, you need to
apply now. Actually, you needed to apply a long time ago, but due to the
failure of scientists to implement a means to travel back in time, now
will simply have to do. :-)

Information on how to apply can be found on the GNOME Travel Committee
page [3]. And the deadline is one week from today: 22 July. On the
Hackfest [2] page you will find a list of hotels with approximate prices
which you can use to estimate your expenses. There is also a schedule of
events which you can use to judge which days you should plan on
attending (though we do hope you will join us for the full event!).

In addition, if you are hoping to attend, but have not yet added
yourself to the "Hope to attend" list [4] on the wiki, please do so.

My most sincere apologies on the one-week deadline. If anyone finds that
this deadline is not achievable, please get in touch with Alejandro
Piñeiro or myself as soon as possible.

Thanks much! Take care.

[1] http://live.gnome.org/Accessibility/Minutes/20100715
[2] http://live.gnome.org/Accessibility/HackfestAEGIS2010
[3] http://live.gnome.org/Travel
[4] http://live.gnome.org/Accessibility/HackfestAEGIS2010#Hope_to_attend

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