On Thu, 2011-03-03 at 14:59 -0500, Joseph Scheuhammer wrote:
> Hey Bryen,
> Bryen wrote:
> > Great idea.  Can you point me to where to find those?
> Peter replied:
> > ... you can at least run the GNOME Shell magnifier (if not the 
> > not-yet-integrated magnifier control panel), described at 
> > http://blog.crozat.net/2011/01/gnome-3-live-cd-usb-test-image.html
> The version of the magnifier that Peter describes above does not 
> incorporate the inverse video setting.  I can supply you a screen shot 
> (or shots) of that feature, if you'd like.
> When is your drop dead deadline?
Drop-Dead would be March 14th (though some people tend to tell me to
drop dead much earlier than that, hehe)   Sure, feel free to send me
what you can.

And as for everyone else, feel free to create a one-page slide if you
have an idea/urge and send to me.  I'll incorporate what I can.  I'm
hoping to have between 10-18 slides running at all times.

Thanks everyone else for the suggestions and I'll work on it over the
next week.  Hopefully I'll have something nice and spiffy that we can
all use at future shows as well.  


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