WebKitGTK+ 2.14.4 is available for download at:

https://webkitgtk.org/releases/webkitgtk-2.14.4.tar.xz (13.3MB)
   md5sum: 5117199de95d9a1fd1ca5d4e31c845c7
   sha1sum: 55b413e94e2ed7e9662eee09b6a043aa45efd90c
   sha256sum: d1ae2df51dd4ee44b9b89421a436ef71062816308738c3712ecf4bec3ccbe3ac

This is a bug fix release in the stable 2.14 series.

What's new in the WebKitGTK+ 2.14.4 release?

  - Make accelerating compositing mode on-demand again. By default it will only 
be used for websites
    that require it, saving a lot of memory on websites that don't need it.
  - Fix rendering issues in long documents with transparent background.
  - Release unused UpdateAtlas and reduce the tile coverage on memory pressure.
  - The media backend now stores preloaded media in /var/tmp instead of user 
cache dir.
  - Make inspector work again when accelerated compositing support is disabled.
  - Fix a deadlock when the media player is destroyed.
  - Fix network process crashes when loading custom URI schemes.
  - Fix overlay scrollbars that are over a subframe.
  - Fix a crash in GraphicsContext3D::drawArrays when using OpenGL 3.2 core 
  - Fix BadDamage X errors happening when resizing the WebView.
  - Fix several crashes and rendering issues.
  - Security fixes: CVE-2017-2365, CVE-2017-2366, CVE-2017-2373, CVE-2017-2363, 
CVE-2017-2362, CVE-2017-2350,
    CVE-2017-2350, CVE-2017-2354, CVE-2017-2355, CVE-2017-2356, CVE-2017-2371, 
CVE-2017-2364, CVE-2017-2369.

What is WebKitGTK+?

WebKitGTK+ is the GNOME platform port of the WebKit rendering engine.
Offering WebKit's full functionality through a set of GObject-based
APIs, it is suitable for projects requiring any kind of web
integration, from hybrid HTML/CSS applications to full-fledged web


gtk+ >= 3.6.0
glib >= 2.36
libsoup >= 2.42.0
cairo >= 1.10.2
libxml >= 2.8.0
libxslt >= 1.1.7
HarfBuzz >= 0.9.2
fontconfig >= 2.8.0
FreeType2 >= 2.4.2

Depending on your configuration options WebKitGTK+ may also depend on:

gtk+ >= 2.24.10
GObject introspection
gstreamer >= 1.0.3
GeoClue >= 2.1.5
cairo-gl >= 1.10.2

More information

If you want to know more about the project or get in touch with us
you may:

- Visit our website at https://www.webkitgtk.org, or the upstream
  site at https://www.webkit.org. People interested in contributing
  should read: https://www.webkit.org/coding/contributing.html.

- Browse the bug list at https://bugs.webkit.org, WebKitGTK+ bugs are
  typically prefixed by "[GTK]." A bug report with a minimal,
  reproducible test case is often just as valuable as a patch.

- Join the #webkit and #webkitgtk+ IRC channels at irc.freenode.net.

- Subscribe to the WebKitGTK+ mailing list,
  https://lists.webkit.org/mailman/listinfo/webkit-gtk, or the
  WebKit development mailing list,


Thanks to all the contributors who made possible this release, they
are far too many to list!

The WebKitGTK+ team,
February 10, 2017
Carlos Garcia Campos

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