A new stable series of Shotwell!

Shotwell 0.30.0 ­— "Celle" - 16.09.2018

  * Translation updates
  * Last-minute fix for random segfaults in GSettings

Bugs fixed in this release:

All contributors to this release:
 - Jens Georg <m...@jensge.org>
 - Anders Jonsson <anders.jons...@norsjovallen.se>
 - Rūdolfs Mazurs <rudolfs.maz...@gmail.com>
 - gogo <trebeln...@gmail.com>
 - Balázs Meskó <meskobal...@fedoraproject.org>

Added/updated translations
 - hr, courtesy of gogo
 - hu, courtesy of Meskó Balázs
 - lv, courtesy of Rūdolfs Mazurs
 - sv, courtesy of Anders Jonsson

Shotwell 0.30.0 is available for download at

Source: https://download.gnome.org/sources/shotwell/0.30/shotwell-0.30.0.tar.xz

Other distribution channels to follow soon
gnome-announce-list mailing list

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