WebKitGTK 2.24.1 is available for download at:

https://webkitgtk.org/releases/webkitgtk-2.24.1.tar.xz (17.1MB)
   md5sum: ed70e2bf2476a58b17df3d051f42ce6a
   sha1sum: e57ce1f623e26dc1726109891a02c35b2e99a440
   sha256sum: 53cb8eaad2ca4caaae663d68331b83fd27d5bd5f6c5388d6ea3c455e338f396d

This is the first bug fix release in the stable 2.24 series.

What's new in the WebKitGTK 2.24.1 release?

  - Do not allow changes in active URI before provisional load starts for 
non-API requests.
  - Stop the threaded compositor when the page is not visible or layer tree 
state is frozen.
  - Use WebKit HTTP source element again for adaptive streaming fragments 
  - Properly handle empty resources in webkit_web_resource_get_data().
  - Add quirk to ensure outlook.live.com uses the modern UI.
  - Fix methods returing GObject or boxed types in JavaScriptCore GLib API.
  - Ensure callback data is passed to functions and constructors with no 
parameters in JavaScriptCore GLib API.
  - Fix rendering of complex text when the font uses x,y origins.
  - Fix sound loop with Google Hangouts and WhatsApp notifications.
  - Fix the build with GStreamer 1.12.5 and GST GL enabled.
  - Detect SSE2 at compile time.
  - Fix several crashes and rendering issues.
  - Security fixes: CVE-2019-6251.

What is WebKitGTK?

WebKitGTK is the GNOME platform port of the WebKit rendering engine.
Offering WebKit's full functionality through a set of GObject-based
APIs, it is suitable for projects requiring any kind of web
integration, from hybrid HTML/CSS applications to full-fledged web

More information

If you want to know more about the project or get in touch with us
you may:

- Visit our website at https://www.webkitgtk.org, or the upstream
  site at https://www.webkit.org. People interested in contributing
  should read: https://www.webkit.org/coding/contributing.html.

- Browse the bug list at https://bugs.webkit.org, WebKitGTK bugs are
  typically prefixed by "[GTK]." A bug report with a minimal,
  reproducible test case is often just as valuable as a patch.

- Join the #webkit and #webkitgtk IRC channels at irc.freenode.net.

- Subscribe to the WebKitGTK mailing list,
  https://lists.webkit.org/mailman/listinfo/webkit-gtk, or the
  WebKit development mailing list,


Thanks to all the contributors who made possible this release, they
are far too many to list!

The WebKitGTK team,
April 09, 2019
Carlos Garcia Campos

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