Marta Maria Casetti <> wrote:
> First of all: I really like the mockups.

Thanks Marta!

> I also think that we should try to include something for first-time
> programmers, like a tutorial, somewhere.

It would be really cool to have a good place for this material. My
sense (correct me if I'm wrong here) is that mixing docs for novices
with docs for experienced programmers might end in confusion on both
sides - the novices will find the advanced stuff too hard, and the
experienced developers will end up thinking that the developer site is
too basic for their needs. I'd also really like our main developer
site to focus on experienced developers - if we want third party
developers to use our platform, they need a resource that is designed
for their needs and which will help them get the information they need

So the question is - where should the first-time programmer material
go? Do we want a separate section inside Do we
want a sub-site? The latter seems like it might be a better option to
me - different audience, different design...

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